
Swollen Pickles started in 2006. It was a blog I’d named after one of my favourite extinct – at that time at least – guitar pedals, the Swollen Pickle. A filthy, girthy fuzz pedal that picked up where the Big Muff left off. For a blog named after a guitar pedal I rarely wrote anything about guitar pedals. I really just used it as a platform to mess about with learning – or trying to learn – how to build a web site.

I wrote about all sorts of random things, movies, weird internet stuff and how to make a little extra cash online. Things took off for a little while and the site saw a decent amount of traffic, then life got in the way and I just stopped posting. The site became riddled with bugs and in the end came crashing down.

Thanks to the grand clusterf@#k that was 2020, I found myself with more time on my hands so have slowly fired up the old pickle again. Who knows how long this will last?